Sunday, January 28, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
When I should be reading/writing about scary Eastern Europeans... I do crap like this.
It was actually for something and it made a few people happy, at least. But I really did not have to spend that much time on the cover.

Download it!
It was actually for something and it made a few people happy, at least. But I really did not have to spend that much time on the cover.

Download it!
Monday, January 22, 2007
what the fuck, sister?
12:16:52 PM who are you?
12:16:54 PM kristin
12:17:00 PM who?
12:17:05 PM your lovely sister
12:17:15 PM or perhaps this is dad
12:17:16 PM nevermind then
12:17:23 PM kelsey
12:17:31 PM okay
12:17:51 PM there is no school today because our school burnt down
12:17:58 PM fabulous
12:18:05 PM you know it.
12:18:18 PM why didn't it burn down when i was there?
12:18:21 PM answer me that
12:18:45 PM because you pick your nose with pliers
12:19:01 PM heavy duty ones, too.
12:16:52 PM who are you?
12:16:54 PM kristin
12:17:00 PM who?
12:17:05 PM your lovely sister
12:17:15 PM or perhaps this is dad
12:17:16 PM nevermind then
12:17:23 PM kelsey
12:17:31 PM okay
12:17:51 PM there is no school today because our school burnt down
12:17:58 PM fabulous
12:18:05 PM you know it.
12:18:18 PM why didn't it burn down when i was there?
12:18:21 PM answer me that
12:18:45 PM because you pick your nose with pliers
12:19:01 PM heavy duty ones, too.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
your skin is something that i stir into my tea
Some songs just KILL ME lately.
Including that one.
Especially that one.
Some songs just KILL ME lately.
Including that one.
Especially that one.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Here's a mix of songs. With a theme, kind of. If you can figure it out you're SMART.
Mostly sweet/girly/heartbreaking stuff.
I either feel really awesome lately, or really crap.
I don't know.
Listening to the Moldy Peaches song on that mix doesn't help.
Kimya Dawsom is such a lovely kind of depressing.
Mostly sweet/girly/heartbreaking stuff.
I either feel really awesome lately, or really crap.
I don't know.
Listening to the Moldy Peaches song on that mix doesn't help.
Kimya Dawsom is such a lovely kind of depressing.
Monday, January 15, 2007
we've seen those mountains kneeling, felten and grey
I had a hilarious phone conversation with my mother.
She called to ask if it was snowing in town. I said, "Yes, yes, it is snowing. Now let me bitch about my living situation for a bit."
She told me to get over it, stick it through, "You said, even if you hated it, you'd stick through it."
And then I started crying.
And then she said she'd think of a way to fix it. And that she was going to come in with Opa on Thursday and they'd take me out for lunch or something.
I am fucking spoiled.
ps. I'm winning.
She called to ask if it was snowing in town. I said, "Yes, yes, it is snowing. Now let me bitch about my living situation for a bit."
She told me to get over it, stick it through, "You said, even if you hated it, you'd stick through it."
And then I started crying.
And then she said she'd think of a way to fix it. And that she was going to come in with Opa on Thursday and they'd take me out for lunch or something.
I am fucking spoiled.
ps. I'm winning.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I started thinking about this yesterday, and now it's driving me crazy.
What if, instead of moving back home this summer, I just got an apartment in town?
Two weeks in Souris drove me crazy, I can only imagine four months.
Also, what are my possibilities for jobs in Souris? Fish plant or the Visitor's Information Centre, or... the lighthoue or something. Surely they'd be a wider variety of jobs in town? Maybe even a few I'd like?
Also, I feel like I'm growing up REALLY fast, probably because of the length of my course and the people I'm around. I'm going to be 19 when I graduate. Even though plenty of people are still going to be living with their parents at that age, I feel like if I'm at home trying to work things out with my life, I'll just stay there. I want to try to get some sort of job as soon as I graduate.
And if I have some practice with living on my own, paying rent, buying groceries, etc., wouldn't that make the transition from student to CAREER WOMAN a lot easier?
It's just that if I fuck up with my responsibilities now, when I'm still in school, I'd feel better asking my parents for help than I would after I graduate college.
It's weird, growing up/becoming independant used to TERRIFY me. Especially in grade 10/11 when I didn't know what I wanted to do, didn't know how I'd ever be able to take care of myself. Now I've been somewhat on my own for a few months, and whenever I go home I feel so restrained, like I'm in high school again.
I haven't told my parents any of this plan yet because I think they'd DIE if I even suggested that I never wanted to live at home again.
Another option I have is working at the fish plant for May/June, then moving into town.
The only real con with that is that working on the line in the fish plant is MINDLESS. You spend about 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, cutting open lobster and shit with stupid people. I think that, along with hanging with the same people I hung around with in high school, doing the same things... might make me regress a litle bit and make me feel stupid or something. This is a dumb excuse, but it concerns me somehow. Like, how do I go from going out and doing WHATEVER I want, to having to tell my parents that I'm going to drive around with all of these people and I won't drink and I won't do drugs and I won't cause any trouble and I won't go to any strangers's houses and I'll call them if I ever feel uncomfortable at all? HOW do I do that?
Here is feedback I have already. I need more, before I can even SUGGEST this to my parents.
I know exactly what you mean about all that 'grown up' stress. Mind you, I graduate in 4 years, but its on my mind regardless. I've been scouring housing sites for the past half hour, trying to figure out where the hell I'm going to live next year, because there's no way I'll be in residence again. Um, I think you're smartest option is the two month, two month thing. As awesome and appealing as it is to do the whole on your own, all summer idea, it's not really the most logical. Being super stressed about money myself, I think it's best to make a ton and still get a head start on living alone and everything.
I was still in high school when I was 19 (damn Ontario and having grade 13 back then) so you're in a totally different situation then I've been in. If it's a possibility with money and all that, then it would probably be a great experience since you'd get to stay with a bunch of new friends. I don't know your friend situation at home, but it sounds like you've found a better group that you enjoy more in Charlottetown. But if you don't want to worry about money, living at home is good for saving up for the future. I don't think a head start would be all that beneficial for anything other than temporary pleasure, especially if it's only for one summer, and in a time when money is probably as thin as it'll ever be.
Also, how far away is it from home? I'm sure your parents don't want to all of a sudden not see their daughter for a long time, when they were expecting you home. But this is a personal situation that is different for everybody, I'm just speculating. But working at a fish factory... hmm that could be pretty shitty too!
Sooooo if I were you, I would stay at home for one final summer (coming from a 22 year old who lives at home... yeesh) but I'm sure you'll make the best decision for yourself. Good luck with it all!
I really think the best thing would be to work at the fish place over the summer, because you'd be able to save all that money rather than spend it on rent and such. I understand you wanting to dive right into things but there will be plenty of time for that later. However living on your own is nice and sometimes I wish I'd moved out earlier than I did (I was 22). What are your options as far as jobs and cheap places to live?
don't try to grow up toooo fast. at 19 i was married and at 20 i was buying a house. too much!! i'd say to go home and work and save up money so you can learn how to manage that money through your next school year.
I don't know. I think I disagree with Rox and Bug though. If I were in your situation, I'd stay in town, get a small apartment, maybe a roommate, and a job I liked. As far as your mom being sad that you're not home, well, that's just part of it. You gotta leave the nest sometime. While you're in college is a good time to start dealing with things like rent and bill juggling, having a job and so forth. Then again, 19 is pretty young. I was 20 and a Junior in college when I moved into my first apartment with my then-boyfriend-eventually-ex-husband. (I don't recommend moving in with a boy, by the way). If you do decide to stay in town and get a job and so forth, just remember that in addition to paying rent and bills, groceries and fun money, you also need to start a SAVINGS account if you don't already have one. And contribute to it regularly. Never underestimate the sense of freedom having a couple months' security in the bank will give you. Good luck!
I agree with Annie, and also the others to an extent. I think the key is to do what you think will work best for you obviously and it's never good to do something that you feel is forcing you to be something you're not ready for. But I've had a job that I allows me to look after myself since the age of 16, been at Uni and fended for myself since 18 and paid all my bills and had my own apartment/house since 18/19. I don't mean 'hey look at me', just 'hey look, if a retard like me can do it, so can you!'. Because it's really a lovely feeling to be independent. And it's not that big a step of difficulty, it's not as scary as it might seem. So do what works for you but responsibility is totally fun and awesome and it feels great to step into the world of adulthood properly. Good luck with whatever you do.
What if, instead of moving back home this summer, I just got an apartment in town?
Two weeks in Souris drove me crazy, I can only imagine four months.
Also, what are my possibilities for jobs in Souris? Fish plant or the Visitor's Information Centre, or... the lighthoue or something. Surely they'd be a wider variety of jobs in town? Maybe even a few I'd like?
Also, I feel like I'm growing up REALLY fast, probably because of the length of my course and the people I'm around. I'm going to be 19 when I graduate. Even though plenty of people are still going to be living with their parents at that age, I feel like if I'm at home trying to work things out with my life, I'll just stay there. I want to try to get some sort of job as soon as I graduate.
And if I have some practice with living on my own, paying rent, buying groceries, etc., wouldn't that make the transition from student to CAREER WOMAN a lot easier?
It's just that if I fuck up with my responsibilities now, when I'm still in school, I'd feel better asking my parents for help than I would after I graduate college.
It's weird, growing up/becoming independant used to TERRIFY me. Especially in grade 10/11 when I didn't know what I wanted to do, didn't know how I'd ever be able to take care of myself. Now I've been somewhat on my own for a few months, and whenever I go home I feel so restrained, like I'm in high school again.
I haven't told my parents any of this plan yet because I think they'd DIE if I even suggested that I never wanted to live at home again.
Another option I have is working at the fish plant for May/June, then moving into town.
The only real con with that is that working on the line in the fish plant is MINDLESS. You spend about 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, cutting open lobster and shit with stupid people. I think that, along with hanging with the same people I hung around with in high school, doing the same things... might make me regress a litle bit and make me feel stupid or something. This is a dumb excuse, but it concerns me somehow. Like, how do I go from going out and doing WHATEVER I want, to having to tell my parents that I'm going to drive around with all of these people and I won't drink and I won't do drugs and I won't cause any trouble and I won't go to any strangers's houses and I'll call them if I ever feel uncomfortable at all? HOW do I do that?
Here is feedback I have already. I need more, before I can even SUGGEST this to my parents.
I know exactly what you mean about all that 'grown up' stress. Mind you, I graduate in 4 years, but its on my mind regardless. I've been scouring housing sites for the past half hour, trying to figure out where the hell I'm going to live next year, because there's no way I'll be in residence again. Um, I think you're smartest option is the two month, two month thing. As awesome and appealing as it is to do the whole on your own, all summer idea, it's not really the most logical. Being super stressed about money myself, I think it's best to make a ton and still get a head start on living alone and everything.
I was still in high school when I was 19 (damn Ontario and having grade 13 back then) so you're in a totally different situation then I've been in. If it's a possibility with money and all that, then it would probably be a great experience since you'd get to stay with a bunch of new friends. I don't know your friend situation at home, but it sounds like you've found a better group that you enjoy more in Charlottetown. But if you don't want to worry about money, living at home is good for saving up for the future. I don't think a head start would be all that beneficial for anything other than temporary pleasure, especially if it's only for one summer, and in a time when money is probably as thin as it'll ever be.
Also, how far away is it from home? I'm sure your parents don't want to all of a sudden not see their daughter for a long time, when they were expecting you home. But this is a personal situation that is different for everybody, I'm just speculating. But working at a fish factory... hmm that could be pretty shitty too!
Sooooo if I were you, I would stay at home for one final summer (coming from a 22 year old who lives at home... yeesh) but I'm sure you'll make the best decision for yourself. Good luck with it all!
I really think the best thing would be to work at the fish place over the summer, because you'd be able to save all that money rather than spend it on rent and such. I understand you wanting to dive right into things but there will be plenty of time for that later. However living on your own is nice and sometimes I wish I'd moved out earlier than I did (I was 22). What are your options as far as jobs and cheap places to live?
don't try to grow up toooo fast. at 19 i was married and at 20 i was buying a house. too much!! i'd say to go home and work and save up money so you can learn how to manage that money through your next school year.
I don't know. I think I disagree with Rox and Bug though. If I were in your situation, I'd stay in town, get a small apartment, maybe a roommate, and a job I liked. As far as your mom being sad that you're not home, well, that's just part of it. You gotta leave the nest sometime. While you're in college is a good time to start dealing with things like rent and bill juggling, having a job and so forth. Then again, 19 is pretty young. I was 20 and a Junior in college when I moved into my first apartment with my then-boyfriend-eventually-ex-husband. (I don't recommend moving in with a boy, by the way). If you do decide to stay in town and get a job and so forth, just remember that in addition to paying rent and bills, groceries and fun money, you also need to start a SAVINGS account if you don't already have one. And contribute to it regularly. Never underestimate the sense of freedom having a couple months' security in the bank will give you. Good luck!
I agree with Annie, and also the others to an extent. I think the key is to do what you think will work best for you obviously and it's never good to do something that you feel is forcing you to be something you're not ready for. But I've had a job that I allows me to look after myself since the age of 16, been at Uni and fended for myself since 18 and paid all my bills and had my own apartment/house since 18/19. I don't mean 'hey look at me', just 'hey look, if a retard like me can do it, so can you!'. Because it's really a lovely feeling to be independent. And it's not that big a step of difficulty, it's not as scary as it might seem. So do what works for you but responsibility is totally fun and awesome and it feels great to step into the world of adulthood properly. Good luck with whatever you do.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
as blue as the blue in yr eye
I probably shouldn't divulge things that often!
Or get so fucked up that it takes me a few minutes to realize I'm crying.
Or 29524830 other bad things.
Now my tablet doesn't work and I have to use the little pad-thing on the laptop.
Or get so fucked up that it takes me a few minutes to realize I'm crying.
Or 29524830 other bad things.
Now my tablet doesn't work and I have to use the little pad-thing on the laptop.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
that's why I make records!
Outside the cars are beeping out a song just in your honour.
I never thought the day would come where I would spent my Friday night obsessing over Alphonse Mucha.
I never thought the day would come where I would spent my Friday night obsessing over Alphonse Mucha.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
That's what my dad sang to me on the phone today. He is STRANGE.
I am in fact eighteen right now, and it's kinda nice.
I got my hair all did and everything.
Also I am a huge nerd and last night I listened to this song on repeat for half an hour up until 12:00 AM. And at around 11:56 I synched it up so that it would end right when it was my birthday.
I am in fact eighteen right now, and it's kinda nice.
I got my hair all did and everything.
Also I am a huge nerd and last night I listened to this song on repeat for half an hour up until 12:00 AM. And at around 11:56 I synched it up so that it would end right when it was my birthday.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I like to force my music on everyone, so here's a pile of songs you should download. If you know what's good for you.
Stars - Ageless Beauty (More Serene Mix)
If it was up to me, I would make sure the title of this indicated that it "bopped." But I'm not in charge of stuff like that, and it saddens me.
Mason vs Princess Superstar - Perfect Exceeder
Reklame - Coca-Cola For Oss Alle
Norwegian Coke ads: Let me marry them
Joanna Newsom - Peach, Plum, Pear
This makes me want some sort of kingdom, complete with minstrels. Oh please.
Tori Amos - A Case Of You
I listened to the original of this song way to much lately. This is the only cover that makes sense.
Nouvelle Vague - Love Will Tear Us Apart
French girls singing old punk/new wave songs. Why has this not taken over the world?
Girl Talk - Minute by Minute
All Girl Talk is fun, but this is best because it has JEFF MANGUM COUNTING.
Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland, 1945
Spank Rock - Lindsay Lohan
I try not to listen to this when my mother's in the room.